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ibbertonvillagehall@gmail.com Bookings: 01258 817269
Ibberton, Belchalwell and Woolland Village Hall
Registered Charity Number: 1095817
Ibberton, Belchalwell & Woolland Village Hall
Sunday 31st March: A notice of intention to revise the roll will appear on the Church door. There will then be 14 days for people to register who are not already on the roll.
Forms will be available from Sunday 31st March Application for Enrolment for the Electoral Roll return to steustaceibberton@gmail.com or Woolland View, Ibberton by Sunday 14th April (Anybody who is already on the 2023 Roll does not need to fill in a form again.) 2023 Church Electoral Roll
The revised roll will appear on the Church door for checking by Church members and be send out via steustacechurch@gmail.com on Monday 15th April
To view the revised role please click here Revised Roll 2024
A notice for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting will appear on the Church door / via email/ on this page on Monday 15th April
At this point anybody on the revised roll may be nominated for Churchwarden by two people on the role. Churchwarden Nomination Form This form needs to be returned to Alice Church before the meeting on Monday 29th April
If you wish to stand for election to the Parochial Church Council please complete this form NOMINATION FOR ELECTION TO THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL & Trustee-eligibility-and-FPP-declaration-Jan-2019
The numbers on the roll affects the number of people who can serve on the Parochial Church Council for St. Eustace, Ibberton and how many representatives from our PCC can be sent to the Blackmore Vale Deanery Synod meetings.
Monday 22nd April the audited PCC accounts for the year ending 31 December, 2023 will be available for inspection in the church & HERE
Accounts -
On Monday 29th April the church will hold the Annual Parochial Church Meeting 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.
The meeting will begin with the election of Church Wardens to which all members of Ibberton Village are welcome to attend and vote for the two Churchwardens positions.
The Churchwarden is one of the oldest offices in the lane because of its ancient origins, the Warden still represents the whole of the laity in the Parish, not only the members of the congregation or the electoral roll of the church. They duties will always involve being at the centre of the parish’s operations, for which they must know the people, know who to go to for various purposes, know the liturgy and the services that are being held, and have “ear to the ground and finger on the pulse” contact with all that happens or is going to happen.
The position involves three types of responsibilities: -
1. Dealing with legal issues:
Keeping the terrier, the inventory and the log-book is the specific responsibility of the Wardens.
There are required at least annually to make a sufficient inspection of buildings and contents, and the last PCC meeting before the AGM the wardens must report to the PCC and then to Annual Parochial Church Meeting on all the property matters.
All the moveable items of the church are the property of the churchwardens. They cannot sell them without the authority of a faculty, but their ownership can be important.
When there is a vacancy in a parish – meaning when there is no one appointed as the minister of the parish – the Churchwardens have additional responsibilities. They have a legal duty to be sequestrators – that is to say they share in the running of the financial issues for the parish – and they have to arrange for the provision of proper people to conduct the services until there is a full appointment.
2. Good Order
Churchwardens are legally responsible for provision of what is needed for communion services.
Sidesmen are strictly assistants to the wardens, and the work that is done in providing books and welcoming congregations is done on behalf of the wardens.
It is the duty of Wardens to report to the Bishop not only the formal matters dealt with at visitations but also any matter that ought to be a cause for concern on the part of the Bishop. This can be a sensitive area, and it is as well to take advice before launching into reporting to the Bishop, but it should not be ignored.
The grounds of the church also come under the purview of the Churchwardens, and depending on the size and location of the church, the grounds may include a burial ground, gardens, paths, a driveway and even parking facilities.
3. Finance
The wardens have the responsibility for administration of collections, and they need to be sure that processes are in place to ensure the proper carrying out of this work. If there is a treasurer, the responsibility will normally be partly with that officer, but if there is no treasurer, the wardens have the whole of that responsibility, and are in law the treasurers instead.
This is the same for sequestrators during a vacancy. There is a specific duty to report any failure of the parish to do its best to pay Diocesan charges.
Following the election of the Churchwardens the people who are on the New Church Electoral Role will be able to remain in the meeting. At this point the Parochial Church Council and the roles of secretary and treasurer (both positions can be held by people who are not on the church electoral register) will be elected and a committee meeting will follow.
If you are interested in standing for any of these positions, please contact Derek Old, Churchwarden and Chairman of the PCC to find out more details ahead of the AGM. St. Eustace Church is one of our community organisations, along with the Parish Council and the Village Hall Trustees and Committee they are central to what makes Ibberton the place it is.